Typhoon Tembin - 2012/08/27 0000 UTC

Flight route of DOTSTAR

The flight route of DOTSTAR

Storm symbol in black: Location of the storm center at 2012/08/27 0000 UTC.
Storm symbol in green: Location of the storm center as the first dropwindsonde reached the surface.
Storm symbol in blue: Location of the storm center as the last dropwindsonde reached the surface.

Wind vector at each pressure level

Dropwindsonde information and the estimated surface wind speed

12012/08/26 23:11:56119.522.32651048.08.88.5
22012/08/26 23:21:18118.322.2202057---12.912.1
32012/08/26 23:30:24117.521.6145027---16.616.2
42012/08/26 23:32:32117.621.078------------
52012/08/26 23:43:12117.320.274------------
62012/08/26 23:50:47117.619.3134246---19.918.5
72012/08/26 23:57:51118.618.8191227---15.515.7
82012/08/27 00:08:32119.518.723921315.716.015.4
92012/08/27 00:15:52120.319.525818622.218.317.2
102012/08/27 00:28:31120.820.4287183---12.811.9
112012/08/27 00:39:19119.921.019914316.115.614.0
122012/08/27 00:46:58120.221.7259142---9.98.9

TIME: Time when dropwindsondes reached the surface. (UTC)
DIST: The distance form each dropwindsonde to the corresponded storm center. (km)
WD: Surface wind direction. (degree)
Surface wind speed: (unit : m/s)
(1) WS: Surface wind speed (at a height of 10 meters) directly from the dropwindsondes.
(2) MBL (Franklin 2003): Averaging the dropwindsonde wind speed over the 0~500 m layer, multiplied by 0.80.
(3) WL150 (Franklin 2003): Averaging the dropwindsonde wind speed over the 0~150 m layer, divided by 1.229.



(925 hPa wind, one full barb = 10 m/s)

Ask for Data

If you want to ask for the raw data of dropwindsondes, please contact with Central Weather Bureau (CWB).